Your Clinical / Medical Massage Career in Charlotte NC Starts
at the North Carolina School of Advanced Bodywork (NCSAB) …
YOU TOO Can Become A Professional,
Clinical / Medical Massage Therapy Specialist …
and Be Highly Trained in Resolving Neuro-Muscular, Musculo-Fascial & Musculo-Skeletal Issues with Our Method of Myo-Structural Bodywork & Balancing
At The Schools of Advanced Bodywork (in Charlotte, NC and Jacksonville, FL), you’ll become part of an Elite Group of Bodywork Professionals. …
You Owe It Yourself to Pursue a Career You’ll Love!
The Power of Touch is not exclusive to massage therapists. It is a basic human need existing within each of us. A massage therapist is trained in the Art of Touch; how to identify and effectively treat the numerous indications for massage therapy while adhering to high standards of professional ethics and boundaries.
In today’s busy society the element of touch is getting lost amongst responsibilities, skepticism, and fear; and yet massage therapy is viewed as a “safe touch” that can bridge the gap between our reservations and the requisite for human contact.
Some of the most frequently sought-after treatments address fatigue, stress, tension, muscle aches, pains, & dysfunction and soft tissue injuries, all of which can in many cases be reduced and eliminated through the proper use of professional massage techniques. Statistics outlining the trend in massage therapy have shown a consistent increase in the awareness and acceptance of massage therapy.
A Serious Education for Those Serious About Their Future!
Is A Medical Massage Therapy Career Viable Today?
The field of massage continues to grow and strengthen to an increasingly effective and sought-after form of therapy and an ever-increasing alternative to Western medicine. In fact, it’s been a very effective and efficient way to heal many musculo-skeletal, neuro-muscular, and musculo-fascial issues for many decades. Yet it is just now becoming more recognized for that capacity to reduce or resolve so many “Soft Tissue Issues.”
That recognition is coming from both Grass-Roots Consumers — the Clients & Patients — as well as the medical professions.
A career in massage therapy affords a flexible schedule as well as a wide range of avenues in which to practice. The standards by which all licensed massage and bodywork therapists adhere promote continual advancements within the field of massage therapy.
Now is a great time to jump into the field of massage therapy; class sizes are small, the program can be completed in just six months, and it is a very reasonable investment for your future.
Our highly specialized, medically therapeutic curriculum focuses on giving you the full range of clinical tools you need to be among the best, Leading Edge Therapists in the industry, able to work effectively and efficiently with the most challenging clients.
With a track record of 100% pass rates on national exams, we will, in six or twelve months, prepare you for a highly rewarding, life-long career helping people resolve their musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction, restoring them to a better life in the process.
Your Primary Focus In Medical Massage Will Be On …
The Soft Tissues of the Human Body — directly on the muscles, fascia, tendons & ligaments, and to a lesser degree and indirectly the organs, nerves, & vessels — comprise a vast portion of the Myo-Structural Body.
And, the muscular components — with their ability to produce a substantial degree of contraction, shortening, hardening, dehydration & irritation of nerves — can exert many forces upon other soft tissues and joints & bones, producing many tensions, stresses, and pathologies in the body.
We find relaxation & reduction of C.E.M.&.N.T. (Chronic, Excess Muscle & Nerve Tension & Stress) to be a valuable key to reducing or eliminating many of the tensions and stresses producing so many conditions and pathologies in the body. Relaxation of muscle cells reduces tensions and stresses on a wide range of tissues in the body.
You’ll become an expert at facilitating your clients in learning to Feel, Relax, Lengthen & Balance those overly tense musculo-fascial units causing so many problems for so many people.
Clinical / Medical Massage Therapy is seen by many clients, patients, and physicians as an ever-expanding alternative to Western medicine. Increasing numbers of Western-trained physicians are turning to various forms of massage therapy to help their patients with a wide range of “soft tissue issues.”
PLEASE SEE an Historical View of the Word MEDICINE HERE
In-depth, superior education in Clinically Oriented, Medical Massage Therapy Techniques puts our graduates at the top of the list for those wanting a career working with such physicians. More physicians are seeking out clinically & medically trained massage therapists who understand the role of soft tissue dysfunction and musculoskeletal pathologies. Many of the healthcare specialists in the field of pain management seek out our NCSAB graduates (and our sister school, FLSAB) because of the clinically focused, advanced training they receive.
FACT: Our first 2 graduates at the new FLSAB in 2016 were employed by two Neurology groups.
Your medical massage therapy career affords you a flexible schedule as well as a wide range of avenues in which to practice.
Now is a great time to enter a massage therapy career. Our class sizes are small, the program can be completed in just 6 months full time or 12 months part-time, and it is in many ways a very reasonable, even excellent, yet rewarding investment for your future.
Become A Self-Employed, Private Practitioner
OR A High-Value, In-Demand Employee
One common choice of graduates is to develop a self-employed, Private Practice. With the right training in skills and knowledge, plus your personal motivation to get the word out to potential Clients, this option affords you:
- Setting your own hours
- High career satisfaction
- Helping people — Your Clients — on a daily basis
- Contributing to society
- Low-stress environment
- Choosing Who you want to work with as Clients
- Design your Life the way you want it
Alternatively, in your personalized medical massage therapy career, you can work in a wide range of employment opportunities:
- With Physicians (medical, chiropractic, osteopathic, naturopathic) who employ massage therapists
- In Health Care and Rehabilitation Facilities
- In Health & Athletic Clubs
- In Spas & Resorts
- Become a well-respected Instructor of Massage Therapy
For you to take advantage of these opportunities, we truly believe the North Carolina School of Advanced Bodywork, Inc. (NCSAB) is a unique school specializing in providing you with the most advanced clinical and medical massage therapy training available in the country.
We are fully equipped to give you the training and experience you need to achieve your chosen massage career.
Please See Some Of Our TESTIMONIALS Here
Your Clinical / Medical Massage–Bodywork Career in Charlotte NC
What, Exactly, Will You Be Able To
Do When You’ve Graduated?
Well, it’s a wide-open field, ripe for innovation and creativity. Your medical massage therapy career has a wide range of possibilities, limited only by your imagination. And of course, you don’t have to go the Clinical / Medical route if you prefer the Relaxation / Spa end of the market.
Yet having that clinical / medical knowledge & skill will enhance your value wherever you work.
Physicians and Clinical / Medical Massage
& Structural Bodywork
Another opportunity is working with physicians who understand the value of soft tissue therapy treatments for many of their patients’ painful afflictions difficult to treat by other means. Many physicians hire massage / bodywork therapists to work in their clinics or hospitals.
Others refer to therapists in private practice or at the many specialized therapy clinics featuring massage & bodywork.
You’ll become an expert at understanding and working with such soft tissue issues, helping your clients achieve the results they’re looking for. Physicians very much appreciate the relief and improvement you provide their patients.
Your ability to work “Think & Work Structurally” with clients & patients, revealing to them our insights, strategies, and techniques, will give that “edge” you need to be a highly valued practitioner by all.
Of course, you’ll be free to work with Private Clients without a physician’s referral or supervision, yet the more relationships you build with medical and health care professionals, the greater your referral base will be.
It is our job to make you so knowledgeable, skilled, and conversant about soft tissue issues and their causes that physicians will quickly realize you truly are an expert in our field of health care.
Anti-Aging or Elegant Aging Therapy
One huge market rapidly opening up is the Baby-Boomers who have started retiring in large numbers. They are one of the most health-conscious groups of people we’ve ever seen. And many of them have sufficient funds to invest in their health care.
As we age, our muscles accumulate what we call C.E.M.&.N.T. (chronic, excess muscle & nerve tension & stress) also known as “tight muscles,” usually including hardening of the surrounding fascia and “tightening” of the tendons. As muscles, fascia, and tendons tighten, harden, and shorten, various aches & pains, reduced function, and pathologies very often result.
We have found many of the symptoms people experience are, basically, little more than “tight muscles.” Yet their negative effects can profoundly influence the function and comfort of the human body. Eventually, this negatively affects their Quality of Life, as well.
Although it is of course, ideally, best for them to work with you preventively before they have too many problems and soft tissue issues to deal with, in many cases it will be when their quality of life is diminished, or suffering, they’ll be far more motivated to seek your services.

Radically Relaxed Kitty
Your newfound ability will be to help clients Feel, Relax, Lengthen & Balance their soft tissues; their muscles, fascia, and tendons. This, in turn, with Radical Relaxation, DE-compresses tendons, joints, ligaments, and other tissues and structures of their body. That, in turn, reduces or relieves many of the problems arising from such “tight muscles and fascia.”
Your training allows you to provide, via deep neuro-musculo-fascial relaxation, in turn providing “Anti-Aging” or “Elegant Aging” therapy for Clients who want to proactively reduce the tensions and stresses in their bodies, keeping them feeling younger and more vital. YOU will help them prevent many of the afflictions affecting so many people as they get older.
We call it “Myo-Structural De-Compression & Balancing.” And you’ll know how to do this when you complete your training at the FLSASB. … (“MYO-” means “musculo-.”)
This decompression and balancing process can take a few weeks to a few months. Then they often switch to a “maintenance mode” where they come in, for example, on a monthly basis for “tune-up” sessions.
An entire practice can be built on that approach alone. After a few years, many forward-thinking and well-trained therapists can be booked up for the entire year just on their maintenance appointments.
SEE MORE on Elegant Aging at the Website of the
Founder of Myo-Structural Bodywork & Balancing
Sports & Athletics (Sports Massage)
Athletes & Sports Enthusiasts who use their bodies a lot can benefit in many ways. For example, golfers need specialized therapy to maximize their follow-through on their golf swing, not to mention relieving the stresses and tensions that naturally build up while playing golf.
Working with professional athletes and or sports teams can be a very rewarding career path.
The NCSAB does not teach the “standard” sports massage methods. Many Sports Massage methods have a standard “routine” for performing a more generic sports massage service. We at NCSAB have our own approach, where we directly target an athlete’s or musician’s specific challenges and address them with tailor-made sessions.
And, our manual technique, with our No Pain, More Gain method, provides a unique experience most experienced Clients say they’ve never experienced before. You’ll learn how to do this style of therapy at NCSAB.
Maternity & Infant Massage & Bodywork
One interesting aspect of the health aspects of the more general style of Swedish Massage is the proven effect it has on the improved development of infants. It’s been shown children are far more well adjusted and healthy when they’ve had sufficient touch from an early age. Infant Massage has been demonstrated to improve the growth of nerve tissue and other body systems.
By virtue of the skin’s close association with the central nervous system, this cutaneous [skin] stimulation is literally awakening organic functions in the newborns’ internal organs, and without it their chances of survival are markedly diminished.
Even those who had been previously retarded showed dramatic increases in their weight, height, energy, and mental acuity. In institution after institution, the mystery of infant merasmus* was cleared up: The tactile stimulation associated with tender, loving care was absolutely crucial to a baby’s development. Without it, no amount of food and no kind of medicine could produce a healthy individual.
Juhan, Deane (2015-01-31). Job’s Body (Kindle Locations 1542-1544). Barrytown/Station Hill Press, Inc.. Kindle Edition.
(* Marasmus is a form of severe malnutrition characterized by energy deficiency.)
Infant Massage might well be an excellent career opportunity for therapists with an affinity for families and children. If you have an ability to teach, teaching infant massage, and / or couples massage can be a great and rewarding adjunct to your practice. It also gets your name out there to a wider range of potential clients.
Corporate Wellness & Stress Management
[ Nursing, Fitness, Martial Arts ]
Even More Options In Your
Medical Massage Therapy Career
Medical Massage Therapy

500 Hour Medical Massage Therapy & Myo-Structural Bodywork Training Course. Earn a massage therapy license in NC. Day or Night, Part or Full Time.
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Course Provider Name: North Carolina School of Advanced Bodywork
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